Question 3
Intent of Question
The primary goals of this question were to assess a student’s ability to (1) perform a probability calculation
from a normal distribution; (2) explain an implication of examining the distribution of a sample mean rather
than the distribution of a single measurement; and (3) perform a probability calculation involving
independent events using the multiplication rule.
Part (a):
Because the distribution of the daily number of absences is approximately normal with mean 120
students and standard deviation 10.5 students, the z-score for an absence total of 140 students is
140 120
. The table of standard normal probabilities or a calculator reveals that the
probability that 140 or fewer students are absent is 0.9713. So the probability that more than 140
students are absent (and that the school will lose some state funding) is
-=1 0.9713 0.0287.
Part (b):
High School A would be less likely to lose state funding. With a random sample of 3 days, the
distribution of the sample mean number of students absent would have less variability than that of a
single day. With less variability, the distribution of the sample mean would concentrate more narrowly
around the mean of 120 students, resulting in a smaller probability that the mean number of students
absent would exceed 140.
In particular, the standard deviation of the sample mean number of absences,
, is
= =
So the z-score for a sample mean of 140 is
140 120
The probability that
High School A loses funding using the suggested plan would be
-=1 0.9995 0.0005,
as determined
from the table of standard normal probabilities or from a calculator, which is less than a probability of
0.0287 obtained for the plan described in part (a).
Part (c):
For any one typical school week, the probability is
that the day selected is not Tuesday, not
Wednesday, or not Thursday. Therefore, because the days are selected independently across the three
weeks, the probability that none of the three days selected would be a Tuesday or Wednesday or
Thursday is
( )
0.4 0.064.
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Question 3 (continued)
Parts (a), (b), and (c) were scored as essentially correct (E), partially correct (P), or incorrect (I).
Part (a) is scored as follows:
Essentially correct (E) if the response provides the following three components:
1. Indicates use of a normal distribution and clearly identifies the correct parameter values
(showing correct components of a z-score calculation is sufficient).
2. Uses the correct boundary value (140, 140.5, or 141 is acceptable).
3. Reports the correct normal probability consistent with components 1 and 2
if the response reports a probability of 0.025 with justification based on the empirical rule for an
acceptable boundary value (140, 140.5, or 141 is acceptable).
Partially correct (P) if the response correctly provides only two of the three components listed above.
if the response provides an incorrect probability of 0.05 with justification based on the empirical rule
for an acceptable boundary value (140, 140.5, or 141 is acceptable).
Incorrect (I) if the response does not satisfy the criteria for E or P.
Note: An inconsistency in calculations lowers the score for part (a) by one level (that is, from E to P or
from P to I).
Part (b) is scored as follows:
Essentially correct (E) if the response provides the correct answer of less likely AND the following three
1. Clearly references the distribution of the sample mean
2. Indicates tha
t the variability of the distribution is smaller.
3. Indicates that the distribution is centered at 120.
if the response provides the correct answer of less likely AND the following two components:
1. Correctly calculates the probability that the sample mean would exceed 140 (arithmetic errors
are not penalized).
2. Correctly compares this probability to the probability in part (a).
Partially correct (P) if the response provides the correct answer of less likely AND only two of the
following three components:
1. Clearly references the distribution of the sample mean.
2. Indicat
es that the variability of the distribution is smaller.
3. Indicates that the distribution is centered at 120.
if the response provides the correct an
swer of less likely AND correctly calculates the probability that
the sample mean would exceed 140 (arithmetic errors are not penalized) BUT does not
compare this probability with the probability in part (a).
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Question 3 (continued)
Incorrect (I) if the response does not meet the criteria for E or P, including if the response provides the
incorrect answer or provides the correct answer of less likely with no explanation or an incorrect
Note: An equivalent approach is to use the total number of absences for 3 days. The sampling
distribution of the total number of absences for the 3 days is approximately normal, with mean
( )
3 120 360=
absences and standard deviation
( )
3 6.026 18.187
absences. The z-score for a total of
( )
3 140 420=
absences is:
420 360
. Such a response is scored E if the response provides the
correct answer of less likely and references the distribution of the sample total, and includes the correct
mean and standard deviation.
Part (c) is scored as follows:
Essentially correct (E) if the response correctly calculates the probability AND shows sufficient work.
Partially correct (P) if the response reports the correct probability but shows no work or does not show
sufficient work;
if the response uses the multiplication rule involving three events but does so incorrectly and/or with
an incorrect probability of not selecting a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
Incorrect (I) if the response does not meet the criteria for E or P.
4 Complete Response
All three parts essentially correct
3 Substan
tial Response
Two par
ts essentially correct and one part partially correct
2 Develop
ing Response
Two par
ts essentially correct and one part incorrect
One part essentially correct and one or two parts partially correct
hree parts partially correct
1 Minimal Response
One part essentially correct and two parts incorrect
Two parts partially correct and one part incorrect
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©2014 The College Board.
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©2014 The College Board.
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Question 3
The primary goals of this question were to assess a student’s ability to (1) perform a probability calculation
rom a normal distribution; (2) explain an implication of examining the distribution of a sample mean rather
than the distribution of a single measurement; and (3) perform a probability calculation involving
independent events using the multiplication rule.
ple: 3A
Score: 4
In p
art (a) the response indicates the use of the normal distribution with a sketch as well as with a correct
z-score equation and z-score inequality. The values of the parameters are identified with correct substitution
into the z-score equation and z-score inequality. Additionally, the mean is again identified in the sketch.
With the normal distribution indicated and the parameter values identified the first component is satisfied.
The boundary value is also identified in the z-score equation and z-score inequality and the correct normal
probability is computed. Thus, the second and third components are satisfied. With all three components
satisfied, part (a) was scored as essentially correct. In part (b) the response begins by stating the correct
answer, “High School A would be less likely to lose funding using this plan than it would in part (a).” The next
statement refers to the distribution of the sample mean, indicates that this distribution remains centered at
120, and indicates that its standard deviation is smaller, so each of the three components is satisfied. With
the correct answer and each of the three components satisfied, part (b) was scored as essentially correct. In
part (c) the response correctly uses the multiplication rule with the correct probability and reports the correct
answer. Since the multiplication rule is used correctly with work shown, part (c) was scored as essentially
correct. Because all three parts were scored as essentially correct, the response earned a score of 4.
ple: 3B
Score: 3
In p
art (a) the response indicates the use of the normal distribution and identifies the parameter values with a
well-labeled sketch. Thus, the first component is satisfied. The inequality indicates that the probability that
X exceeds 140 is being computed, satisfying the second component. However, an incorrect probability is
reported, so the third component is not satisfied. With two of the three components satisfied, part (a) was
scored as partially correct. In part (b) the response correctly calculates the mean and standard deviation for
the distribution of the total number of absences for 3 randomly selected days and correctly computes the
probability that the total number of absences for 3 randomly selected days exceeds
=420 3(140).
This is
mathematically equivalent to computing the probability that the mean number of absences for 3 randomly
selected days exceeds 140. The response gives the correct answer, “less likely” and gives a correct
comparison to the probability computed in part (a). Since the correct answer, the correct probability, and a
correct comparison to the probability in part (a) are given, part (b) was scored as essentially correct. In part (c)
the response correctly uses the binomial probability formula with
= 3n
and the correct value of
= =
to compute the probability that only Mondays or Fridays are selected. Since the correct
probability is computed with work shown, part (c) was scored as essentially correct. Because two parts were
scored as essentially correct and one part was scored as partially correct, the response earned a score of 3.
© 2014 The College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
Question 3 (continued)
Sample: 3C
Score: 2
In part (a) the response indicates the use of the normal distribution with a sketch as well as with a correct
core equation and a note in the left margin. The values of the parameters are identified with correct
substitution into the z-score equation and with labels under the appropriate values in the stem of the
problem. Additionally, the value of the mean is identified for a third time in the sketch. With the normal
distribution indicated and the parameter values identified, the first component is satisfied. The boundary
value is also identified in the z-score equation and on the sketch and the correct normal probability is
computed. Thus, the second and third components are satisfied. Another note in the left margin,
“1) SRS: given √” indicates that day was randomly selected. Since this is a correct observation, but was not
required, it was considered to be extraneous. With all three components satisfied, part (a) was scored as
essentially correct. In part (b) the response correctly calculates the probability that the mean number of
absences would exceed 140, gives a correct comparison to the probability computed in part (a), and gives
the correct answer of “less likely.” Since the correct answer, the correct probability, and a correct
comparison to the probability in part (a) are given, part (b) was scored as essentially correct. In part (c) the
response gives an incorrect probability without justification that the multiplication rule is used, so part (c)
was scored as incorrect. Because two parts were scored as essentially correct and one part was scored as
incorrect, the response earned a score of 2.
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Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.